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Improve your recruiting quality for a first-class Quality-of-Hire

As HR experts, we know that recruiting is the foundation for the success of any company. But how well do the newly hired employees actually fit the requirements of the job description? An analysis (iwd, 2022) of new hires since 2018 shows that match quality can vary significantly between occupations. In this article, we will take a closer look at how you can improve recruiting quality to achieve a first-class Quality-of-Hire.

Matching quality

A decisive key figure in recruiting: the matching quality describes the extent to which the qualifications required in the job advertisement and those available on the part of the applicant come together and fit. It is crucial for companies to hire applicants who have exactly the required qualifications and skills. However, a study by the Institute of the German Economy shows that matching quality varies considerably between occupations.

Identify strengths and weaknesses in the recruiting process

To increase recruiting quality, it is important to identify the strengths and weaknesses in the recruiting process. Analyse your previous hires and determine whether the newly recruited applicants actually have the required qualifications. A thorough screening of applicants and a precise match with the requirements of the job description are crucial.

Influence of contract types on matching quality

The research also shows that the matching quality can depend on the type of employment contract. Interestingly, the matching quality is highest when companies bring external professionals on board for specific projects. On the other hand, the matching quality is lower for placements in permanent positions. They should take this into account when deciding on the right type of contract and adapt their recruiting strategy accordingly.

The influence of age on matching quality

Another factor that influences the matching quality is the age of the applicants. The study shows that the number of skills increases with age. Younger applicants may bring less work experience, but because of their potentially longer tenure, there is a prospect that they can acquire missing competences and skills over time. Older applicants, on the other hand, tend to have a higher matching quality.

Increase recruiting quality for a first-class quality of hire

To increase recruiting quality and achieve outstanding Quality-of-Hire, companies should follow these steps:

  • Prioritised qualifications: Make yourself aware of which qualifications you cannot do without under any circumstances and which ones bring more leeway.
  • Precise job descriptions: Create results-oriented job descriptions that define the specific requirements in terms of qualifications and skills and fit the benefits argumentation of your target group.
  • Many interviews: Only by talking to as many candidates as possible can you really find out whether a candidate fits your requirements. By having many interviews, your mis-hire rate decreases and thus the matching quality and quality-of-hire increases.
  • Effective screening: Conduct a thorough screening of applicants to ensure they meet your prioritised qualifications. Also use technology solutions such as applicant management systems to streamline the process.
  • Targeted interviewing: Ensure that interviews are targeted to relevant qualifications and skills. Use behavioural questions and case studies to assess the actual performance of applicants.
  • Talent pooling: Build a talent pool to identify potential candidates with the required qualifications in advance. This allows you to fill vacancies faster and more efficiently.



The match quality between job descriptions and new job holders can vary significantly. To achieve a first-class Quality-of-Hire, it is crucial to increase recruiting quality. By prioritising your skill requirements, defining skills and knowledge accurately, interviewing candidates frequently, screening effectively, targeting interviews and building a talent pool, companies can increase the likelihood of hiring candidates who have the exact qualifications and skills required. This is how you lay the foundation for successful cooperation and long-term employee retention in your company.


Source: Alleskรถnner im Job? Gibt es nicht! – iwd.de

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