The crowd makes

the difference

less time for you, more

quality for your company!

hrConnectum – The leading crowd recruiting platform



80% COST

hrConnectum – the leading crowd recruiting platform

Your direct contact to us




Did you know that you have over 7 contacts
know everyone in the world?

hrConnectum makes use of this law and guarantees you direct access to top applicants through a crowd of more than 500 recruiting experts. All you have to do is tell us who you are looking for and you will receive a selection of top applicants for each of your vacancies.

✗ Without crowd:

Time required

for the coordination of recruiting service providers or by ghosting applicants.

Waste of budget

for unsuitable recruiting solutions that achieve no or poor results.

No suitable applicants

as there is no warm network, no pre-selection and no specific approach within the company.

✓ With Crowd:

No effort
for you

From over 500 recruiting experts and more than 15 methods, we select those that have been proven to convince the best candidates for you.

Transparent fixed price model

Compared to headhunters, our model is up to 80% more cost-effective. The fixed price guarantees that we have no interest in driving up the salaries of your position.

Many interested top talents

You can reach them exclusively through access to existing networks: our experts have personal relationships with suitable candidates who are willing to change jobs and can be recruited quickly.

Recruiting rethought:
Three facts why hrConnectum makes the difference.

Why is the hrConnectum crowd more likely to generate a hire for difficult-to-fill positions than a single service provider?
While individual service providers operate in an opaque market, the crowd consists of tested experts who have proven success in their respective professions.
How do you manage to save 80% of costs with hrConnectum?
Headhunters charge high commissions. Our independent fixed-price model is 80% cheaper than this commission and multiple settings are possible.
Why is your time-to-hire significantly shorter with crowd recruiting than with active sourcing?
The crowd, consisting of personal networks and regional experts, guarantees that suitable applicants are quickly identified and convinced of your position.


Ready for Crowd power?

Take the free recruiting check now and find out how hrConnectum can make your recruiting a success.

Do a recruiting check now

How the hrConnectum
unleash their recruiting.

Are you looking for suitable applicants but have neither resources nor access to top talent?
hrConnectum understands your position and the aspects that are most important to you.


In a briefing we find out everything about your open position. We check these and jointly determine the most important criteria for the search.


Based on this, we activate our crowd and select one or more recruiting experts who have a proven track record of success in your position and are experts in this field.


From the search, we present all applicants who are interested and willing to change jobs. Only after the interview do you decide whether an applicant really meets your requirements. We guarantee you at least 3 really suitable and interested applicants from each search.

Send us your job for review now and find out how you too can benefit from the crowd!

Free job check

The intelligent way to search for talent.
Our free

Find out valuable details about your target applicant group and how we can convince them of your open positions in our free consultation.

So that you know you are making the right decision.
Over 1500 successful partnerships.

Only Suitable applicants

Methods that work for anyone looking to fill vacancies
want to fill high-quality positions

Do you want to know what arguments you can use to win over highly competitive specialists? In her newly published book, Sophia Röpke, founder of hrConnectum, explains how smart recruiting really works and looks to the future of recruiting. You can pre-order the reference book free of charge:

So that you know what others didn't know.
Frequently asked questions and our answers.

How can the hrConnectum model be commission-free?

hrConnectum was founded with the vision of revolutionizing the headhunting market. Since then, headhunting has been available without commissions. We want to give you the assurance that we do not inflate salaries in order to receive higher commissions.

What happens if all three applicants I receive from hrConnectum do not fit?

In our model, YOU decide whether an applicant is a good fit – and only after you have spoken to the applicant. If an applicant is not suitable on the basis of the defined criteria, we will continue the search. We will introduce you to all suitable and interested applicants and guarantee you at least three such applicants.

Why can hrConnectum's experts successfully handle different job profiles and hard-to-fill positions?

The variety of methods used by hrConnectum and our crowd makes it possible to properly address many different target groups. From 15 possible methods, we select the most suitable methods to fill your “white collar” or “blue collar” positions. Our experts understand your requirements for potential candidates thanks to their extensive, proven recruiting experience. Thanks to our systematic approach, we select the right experts on the basis of defined indicators. Only if these KPIs are met will a recruiting expert or a recruiting method remain on our platform in the long term.

Which positions can hrConnectum cover?

The size of our crowd enables us to cover almost every position. But to be on the safe side: Before we work together, we check whether we can successfully handle your position – so you and we don’t take any risks. Our service includes “white collar” and “blue collar” positions.

Is the range of services limited to three suitable applicants?

No! We will introduce you to all suitable and interested applicants and guarantee you a selection of at least three applicants. You will also receive comprehensive advice on your target group, the applicant market and applicant feedback, based on target agreements from our collaboration (e.g. regarding your recruitment rate, your time-to-hire, …) we will work together on the factors that are important to you.