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Do you have the talent to find talent? Exciting tasks await you in the areas of project management, product, sales or marketing. Unleash your full potential and start your career with us.
We believe that people are most productive when they are comfortable. That’s why we allow 100% remote working. We meet on regular dates at our locations in Karlsruhe and Lucerne and discover new ways for smart recruiting together.

Ozan Kurt
Senior Developer, IT
We believe that people are most productive when they are comfortable. That’s why we allow 100% remote working. We meet on regular dates at our locations in Karlsruhe and Lucerne and discover new ways for smart recruiting together.
Saskia Sander
HR Business Consultant, Project Management
“As a project manager, I work closely with our clients. The in-depth consulting work and intensive client relationship are what sets the work at hrConnectum apart from headhunting and makes my job special.
It’s not just about filling a position quickly, but about expanding the client’s knowledge of the candidate market and their recruiting options.”

Nazan Caysuyu
Sales Manager, Sales
“What is special about my team at hrConnectum is our cooperation and mutual support. At hrConnectum, we also always worked with our superiors as equals. By working 100% remotely, we as employees have the freedom and flexibility to shape our daily work routine and our work-life balance.
Knowledge we like to share
Read now and become an expert: In our blog, you can find out what’s moving the recruiting world, learn valuable insights about the trends in the industry and get helpful tips and tricks for even smarter recruiting.